În discursul său, Vicepreşedintele Comisiei Europene responsabil pentru Agenda Digitală, dna Neelie Kroes, a menţionat că liderii UE au realizat importanţa cloud computingului şi la şedinţa Consiliului European au fost de acord că UE are nevoie de o piaţă unică cloud, cu standarde înalte pentru cloud, ceea ce înseamnă siguranţă, calitate înaltă, încredere. Astfel, liderii UE au solicitat explicit Parteneriatului European Cloud să aducă Europa pe prim plan.
EUROPA - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Speech - A cloud for Europe:
În discursul său, Vicepreşedintele Comisiei Europene responsabil pentru Agenda Digitală, dna Neelie Kroes, a menţionat că liderii UE au realizat importanţa cloud computingului şi la şedinţa Consiliului European au fost de acord că UE are nevoie de o piaţă unică cloud, cu standarde înalte pentru cloud, ceea ce înseamnă siguranţă, calitate înaltă, încredere. Astfel, liderii UE au solicitat explicit Parteneriatului European Cloud să aducă Europa pe prim plan.
EUROPA - PRESS RELEASES - Press release - Speech - A cloud for Europe:
Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda
For every business, value-for-money, flexible IT services: just what the most dynamic, innovative companies need.
For every European, a locker to store their favourite online material. With instant secure access whenever, wherever, on any device.
For every government, the chance to offer integrated, effective public services that serve every citizen, without costly contracts.
No wonder the cloud is worth hundreds of billions of euros to the European economy.
The news recently has been very focused on security and privacy. Those revelations are astounding, we must respond, and we must protect ourselves. But this does not mean turning our backs on a huge opportunity.
The EU's leaders realise this. At the recent European Council, they saw the importance of cloud computing. They agreed the EU needs a single cloud market, with high standards for a cloud that is secure, high-quality, reliable. And they explicitly asked the European Cloud Partnership to help put Europe at the forefront.
Such a strong push from the highest level is an unprecedented opportunity for all of us: now we must respond. But how?
First, we can develop new inter-operable cloud infrastructure across the continent. For me a European cloud does not mean a new centralised European super-infrastructure. Our role is rather to federate and enhance national, regional and local initiatives. Allowing people, products and services to freely circulate without borders and barriers. That is what we have recognised in our recent proposals for a connected continent. With a single market for the telecoms networks that underpin connectivity. And it also applies to the services that run online. Like a single cloud market for Europe.
Already many Member States are consolidating isolated data centres into national clouds. But how about more ambition? What about joint pan-European cloud storage? What if we had public sector systems working across borders, for more resilience, better services, and greater economies of scale?
We can start today: concretely. Through the Connecting Europe Facility, we can already support the key building blocks that enable pan-European services, like electronic invoicing and e-signature. And I am delighted that the legislator has now agreed the legal base for that investment.
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