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Powering European public sector innovation. - Luxemburg, 2013. - 60 p.
În condiţiile
crizei economice fără precedent, când guvernele europene se confruntă cu
provocări pe termen lung cum ar fi îmbătrînirea populaţiei, creşterea
costurilor pentru servicii sociale şi asistenţă medicală, rata înaltă a
şomajului printre tineri, infrastructura serviciilor publice care, ineori, nu
face faţă necesităţilor cetăţenilor moderni şi afacerilor, inovarea serviciilor
publice este crucială pentru continuarea presătării serviciilor, atât sub
aspect cantitativ, cât şi calitativ.
sectorului public poate fi definită ca fiind un proces de generare a noilor idei
şi de implementare a acestora în scopul creării unor valori pentru societate
atât prin procese sau servicii noi, cât şi îmbunătăţite.
The European Union faces an unprecedented crisis in economic growth, which has put public services under tremendous financial pressure. Many governments are also faced with long-term issues such as ageing societies, mounting social security and healthcare costs, high youth unemployment and a public service infrastructure that sometimes lags behind the needs of modern citizens and businesses. Under these conditions, innovation in public services is critical for the continued provision of such public services, in both quantity and quality. Public sector innovation can be defined as the process of generating new ideas, and implementing them to create value for society either through new or improved processes or services.
The available evidence indicates that
innovation in the public sector mostly happens randomly, rather than as a
result of deliberate, systematic and strategic efforts. Innovation in
the public sector, through strategic change, needs to become more
‘persistent’ and ‘cumulative’, in pursuit of a new and more
collaborative governance model. There is a need for a new architecture
for public sector innovation. Much can be done in individual Member
States, regions and in local government to build capacity to innovate
and to steer change processes. Innovation can emerge at all levels and
innovation leadership can come from anyone. It is however the conviction
of the expert group that the European institutions – including the
Council of Ministers, the European Parliament, and the European
Commission – can also play significant roles in fostering innovation
both at European Union level and in individual Member States