Utilizarea serviciilor de e-guvernare în UE

 Seybert H., Reinecke P.  Trei sferturi dintre europeni au utilizat internetul în 2014. - 2013. - 4 p.

Acest articol prezintă o imagine de ansamblu a rezultatelor "Sondajului privind utilizarea TIC (tehnologia informaţiei și comunicaţiilor), în gospodării și de către persoane fizice" realizat în 2013. 

Articolul a evaluat detaliat activitățile utilizatorilor pe internet  şi setul de indicatori recent lansat privind interacțiunea on-line cu autoritățile publice și serviciile publice ("e-guvernare").
Motivele utilizarii site-uri de e-guvernare, UE-28, 2013 
(% din utilizatorii de e-guvernare) - Sursa: Eurostat
Următorii indicatori prezintă utilizarea serviciilor de e-guvernare de către persoanele fizice şi oferă informaţii cu privire la calitatea percepută a paginilor web ale autorităţilor publice şi satisfacţia faţă de serviciile de e-guvernare. 

Indicatorii vizează contactele sau interacţiunea  cu paginile de internet referitoare la obligaţii cetăţeneşti, drepturi, documente oficiale, servicii publice de educaţie şi servicii publice de sănătate.

  • Două din cinci personae au utilizat servicii de e-guvernare
  • Depunerea declaraţiei cu privire la impozitul pe venit este cel mai popular serviciu de e-guvernare
  • Patru din zece utilizatori ai serviciilor de e-guvernare s-au confruntat cu probleme
  • Fiecare al şaselea este nemulţumit la modul general atunci când caută informaţii sau utilizează e-servicii


The following indicators show the use of e-government services by individuals and provide information on the perceived quality of public authorities' websites and satisfaction with e-government services. They cover contacts or interactions with websites concerning citizen's obligations, rights, official documents, public educational services and public health services.
Two in five individuals used e-government services

In 2013, 41 % of the EU population had contacted or interacted with public authorities and public services for private purposes over the internet; this figure is nine percentage points below the Digital Agenda target.

One in five individuals filled in and submitted web forms, with the highest proportion (66 %) in Denmark, followed by the Netherlands (57 %), Sweden (46 %), Finland (45 %), Ireland (36 %), Belgium and France (both 32 %). Less than one individual in ten in Bulgaria (8 %), the Czech Republic (7 %) and Romania (2 %) submitted forms online (figure 4). Reasons for the difference include in general varying degrees of internet take-up, online availability of public services and need to submit forms, issues of security or trust, and different levels of ‘e-skills’ and confidence in using websites for this purpose.
Income tax declaration the most popular e-government service

Looking at the reasons for using e-government websites (figure 5), 44 % of e-government users in the EU reported declaration of income tax, followed by requesting personal documents (passport, ID card or driver’s licence) or certificates of birth, marriage or death (20 %), claims for social security benefits (16 %), searching public libraries (16 %), enrolment in higher education or university (9 %) and notification of change of address (6 %).
Four in ten e-government users experienced problems

Four in ten e-government users (41 %) in the EU said they had experienced problems when using e-government websites (figure 6). Nearly a quarter (24 %) had technical problems with the website, 23 % found the information to be insufficient, unclear or out-of-date, and 13 % did not find the online or offline support they needed to obtain the right information and forms, or to fill in or send forms.
One sixth mainly dissatisfied when searching for information and using services

Additional indicators on user satisfaction show that around a sixth of e-government users in the EU were mostly dissatisfied with the ease of using services on e-government websites (16%) and how easy it was to find information (16%). More than one in ten were not satisfied with the usefulness of the information available (13%). Around a fifth (21%) were dissatisfied with the extent to which they were able to track how their requests were being handled (figure 7).

Overall, there seems to be considerable scope for improving e-government services and increasing take-up by individuals in the future.

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